Hot seat wheel spin fools gold

Hot seat wheel spin fools gold

Every day in March guests will have a chance to spin the “Fools Gold” prize wheel containing cash prizes & More. lucky guests will be called for a chance to spin. Promotion valid while supplies last.
Cash Wheel

Cash Wheel

Sunday  thru Saturday from 10am – 2pm in March all Inner Circe card holders will have a chance to win up to $500.00 in free play towards your favorite machines!!! All you have to do is swipe your inner Circle Card at one of our kiosks and spin the wheel. Promo...
Old School Bingo

Old School Bingo

“Paper Only” Bingo?! Thats right on Select days in February We will have NO COMPUTERS ALL DAY during our bingo sessions. Laurel Only:      Tuesday & Thursday All Day
10 X $1000 Games

10 X $1000 Games

In September guest’s will have 10 chances guaranteed at $1000.00. Promotion is available at both locations for evening session. Fridays at our Laurel Location Saturdays at  our Waysons Location
6 X $1000 Games

6 X $1000 Games

Every Thursday, Friday & Sunday in August guest will have 6 chances guaranteed at $1000.00. Promotion is available at both locations for evening session. Laurel: Thursday, Saturday & Sunday Waysons: Thursday, Friday & Sunday